
Diablo 2 assassin natalya build
Diablo 2 assassin natalya build

diablo 2 assassin natalya build

This is very basic information and I don’t feel that it is necessary to explain it in this guide. I am also assuming that you are aware of how synergies work and why using them is a necessity in D2x. I am going to assume that you, the reader, know how charge-up skills work and finishers work. I am writing this Assassin guide for the intermediate-level/moderately experienced player (because that is what I see myself as). In all honesty, this build may not be the heaviest hitter or the fastest killer in the game, but I can confidently assure you that played properly, this Assassin build can take you through Hell and back, and provide you with many more hours of quality entertainment than a one-hit-wonder build. Although you could try to play this build a bit more defensively and take it into hardcore, it is most effective when played very aggressively and fits into softcore PvM the best.

diablo 2 assassin natalya build

I think that this build has provided me with my first “really” successful D2x character.

Diablo 2 assassin natalya build