
Tanks in large number were first used by the british at the battle of
Tanks in large number were first used by the british at the battle of

tanks in large number were first used by the british at the battle of tanks in large number were first used by the british at the battle of

It would however be ten more years before a reliable voice radio would come into practical use.The impact of tanks on the battlefield had already, by the end of WW1, begun to bring mobility back and armoured cars once again made their presence felt. Installed in tanks, they proved on the whole unreliable as they had never been designed to withstand the shocks of riding in an unspring vehicle going cross-country. It could also only transmit messages using morse code and required extensive aerials. Radio reporting from the front had been almost impossible until then – hardly surprising when a “portable” British radio set required nine men to carry it, together with the batteries needed. Possibly one of the most important tactical improvements towards the end of WW1 was the mounting of radio sets in tanks to send reports from the forward edge of the battle to headquarters in the rear with unheard of speed.

Tanks in large number were first used by the british at the battle of